The Hidden Messages of ‘Get Out’

Two men walk into two separate movie theaters to see the same movie, and come out seeing two different things. This shows you how incredible Jordan Peele’s new masterpiece film ‘Get Out’ is. Me and Tareau of the couch sports sat down to have a long deep conversation about the nuance and innuendo in that film. From a historical standpoint, I drop some knowledge on the importance of certain scenes, and Tareau attacks every scene from a deeply intellectual standpoint. Me and Tareau absolutely slaughter this review, and this review is a classic for the ages. You do not want to miss the depth of this movie review. Its long as hell, but worth every minute if you’ve watched the film and need some perspective. 

Warning ⚠ This review is completely filled with spoilers, we will ruin your hopes of not knowing what the film plot is. Do not watch if you’ve haven’t seen the film ‘Get Out’. If you simply have no interest of patronizing this film, then have at it.